The minute Seasons change, everyone in real estate starts justifying why “Now!” is the best time to sell your home.
And when it comes to Fall, the main reason Realtors give is because there are usually less houses on the market to compete with. Or, the buyers in the market are more “serious”.
To me, the best reason for selling in the Fall (or any other time of year for that matter) is because you need to. If you don’t need to sell…wait. Not until Spring. Wait until you need to.
Wanting to sell your house isn’t a bad reason. However, selling a house is a pretty big decision, and too many homeowners put their homes on the market prematurely.
The problem with that?
Since they don’t “need” to sell, they often overprice their homes which leads to their listing becoming “stale”. That leads to giving buyers the impression that something must be wrong with the house…and often selling for less than the house could have.
“Need” is not always easy for a homeowner to pinpoint. Many homeowners will even say they don’t need to sell. But in my experience, if someone is even thinking about selling their house, there is usually a need. It’s just hard to put a finger on.
So, if you’ve been thinking about selling, but aren’t quite sure if you need to…
…give me a ring and I’ll help you figure out if you truly do have a need, or if it makes sense for you to wait until Spring…or the Spring after…or the Spring after that.
But if you do need to sell, the Fall is certainly a fine time to sell.